וויירינג דעוויסעס

היים>ינדאַסטריז מיר דינען>וויירינג דעוויסעס

וויירינג דעוויסעס

We work with our customers and study the relevant standards to design the most suitable check lists for various wiring devices for different markets. By training our inspectors properly our team are able to inspect various types of wiring devices through visual inspection and mechanical and electrical testing.

טשעק רשימה
טשעק רשימה באַשרייַבונג
קוואַנטיטי טשעק- QTY מוזן זיין אָפּגעשטעלט לויט די פּאָ.
פּאַקקאַגינג קוואַליטי- קאָנטראָלירן די שטאַרקייט פון די באָקסעס. מאַכן זיכער קיין וידעפדיק פּלאַץ ווייסטאַד.
אַרטוואָרק און לאַבעלס- די לאַבעלס, באַשרייַבונג און שורה דראַווינגס וועט גלייַכן די פאַקטיש פּראָדוקטן
לימעד מאַנואַל- קוק אויב עס זענען קיין ערראָרס אויף די לימעד מאַנואַל / וויירינג דיאַגראַמע.
Marking, Logo and Labelling- כל די מאַרקינגז אויף די פּראָדוקטן זאָל זיין ריכטיק און פּערמאַנאַנטלי דוראַבאַל און לעדזשאַבאַל, און זאָל ניט זיין געשטעלט אויף סקרוז, רימווואַבאַל וואַשערס אָדער אנדערע לייכט רימווואַבאַל טיילן, אָדער אויף פּאַרץ בדעה פֿאַר באַזונדער פאַרקויף.
QC Passed and Date Labels- Products shall have “QC Passed/Date of Production” Labels Attached
Batch /PO Number- Batch/PO numbers shall be stamped on the reversed sides of the products
וויסואַל דורכקוק אויף די פּראָדוקט ייבערפלאַך און סטרוקטור- On the plastic parts, flash around pads of ejector pins shall be removed, and no obvious sink mark and cracks/breaks are allowed.
- On the metal parts, no sharp edges, cracks/breaks, rust and burrs are allowed.
- The product surface shall be smooth with no obvious scratches, rust, or any damages.
Compliance of WEEE Symbol
图片 1
Wheelie bin symbol applies to all electrical devices including switches, sockets, spurs and even coaxial and voice products. It does not apply to blank plates and pattress boxes etc or any items that do not conduct electricity. The minimum size is the diagonal X is 5.00mm. Ideally this mark should be moulded in the plastic if a suitable place can be found on the reverse of the face plates.
Colour and finish consistency- Carefully check the faceplate colour and finish and make sure they are consistent and are good match to reference samples.
- No contamination on the surface is allowed.
Electroplating Quality- The surface of the plated products shall be smooth with no scratches, bubbles, and marks and peeling, and shall match the reference samples and descriptions.
Checking of dimensions- Switches, sockets and boxes shall comply with the appropriate standard sheets, if any. Compliance is checked by measurement.
Material conformity- Check the material used on the products should be up to the specification.
טערמינאַל אָרדענונג- Products shall have correct terminal arrangement and all clearly marked (L, N &E etc.)
באַשטימען אָפּעראַציע טשעק- Manually operate switch rockers (MIN 20 times) to check if switch rockers operate smoothly. No switches shall be stuck or jammed.
טערמינאַל סקרוז- On all sockets and switches, slotted screws shall be used. Wires shall be able to be inserted into the terminal securely without screw heads being stripped when tightening up.
פיקסיר סקרוז- Check the sizes of the fixing screws and use the supplied fixing screws to fit the sockets and switches onto the wall boxes.
- The screws should not break the moulding or strip.
- After fixing screws are in place, screw cap covers shall be able to fit into the holes and be flush with the face of the front plate.
Socket Insertion Check- Test the socket insertion with standard 13A plugtop. The earth pin connection within the socket shall be appropriated sized to allow the insertion of the plug earth pin, also the connection spring shall allow the safety shutter moulding to easily return to its closed position after being unplugged.
- Minimum 20 times manual insertions shall be tried.
Pull cord switch mechanical operations- Manually pull the cord for at least 20 times to check the mechanical operations. The mechanism shall not jam during operations.
Pendent Sets/Ceiling Rose- The lamp holder shall not allow for the two inner cables to be visible when viewed from the top – the lamp holder shall have a molded trim that hides the view of the two inner cables.
- Pull the cords and check if the cords and terminals are securely gripped.
קנופּ באָקסעס

- Check the junction box cord grid. The Cord Grip shall be able to hold

קסנומקס רענטגענ קסנומקסmm2 wires securely.

- The screws shall be of proper size and able to tighten the cord grip up by making enough contact with the threaded insert in the base moulding.
פּאַד פּרינטינג אָדער לאַזער עטשינג קוואַליטעטThe pad printing or laser etching of the "ON and "OFF" on the product shall be clean and clear.
Function and Position of the Neon lens- The neon lens shall not position too close to the top edge of the front plate so that when offering the front plate on to the box it won’t pushes the neon lens out.
- Test the neon lens to see if it lights up.
Fuse Connection Units- Take out the fuse and use a multi-meter to check if the fuse is blown.
- Re-insert the fuse and fuse carrier to check if it fit in the front plate properly.
Pattress Boxes- The Molding should not be distorted. Place two boxes back-to-back to see if the moldings is distorted or not.
- Use the fixing screws to check the quality of the screw inserts.
וסב טשאַרדזשינג פּאָרץ- Check the output voltage and amperage of the USB ports
- Aging test must be done on the USB sockets 
RCD Socket Functionality- Trip Current Test (product spec.: ≤ 30mA);
- Test Button Check
- Trip time Test (product spec.: ≤ 40ms)
Metalclad Box Coating- The colour of the coating should be consistent across all products and match the reference samples.
- Crosscut test should be performed to check the adhesion strength of the powder coating.  
Metalclad Box Construction - The boxes should be straight and not distorted
- Check the boxes with the covers and fixing screws to see if they fit well.
Metalclad Box Earth Lug- Check the position and sturdiness of the earth lugs
- Use a screwdriver to check if the screw strips
Metalclad Box Knockouts- Measure the knockout diameters (20mm)
- Check the Knockout mechanical strength
Weatherproof Enclosures - IP- IP 56 Test shall be performed on the enclosures
- Check the quality of the gaskets
Weatherproof Enclosures - Screws - The screws shall be stainless steel for moisture resistance.  
- Salt Spray Test Shall be performed if equipment is available.
באַשטימען מעטשאַניקאַל לעבן טעסט- ווען צייט אַלאַוז און ויסריכט בנימצא, אויף-אַוועק מעטשאַניקאַל לעבן ציקל פּרובירן וועט זיין דורכגעקאָכט אין דער פאַבריק.
Socket Clamp Force Test- Clamp force test for the sockets, 36N weight
Terminal Continuity Test- Use multi-meter to check the continuity of the terminals 
פלאַם ריטאַרדאַנט טעסט- Ignite the plastic moulding and check if the flame would self-distinguish.
הויך-טאָפּ פּרובירן- הויך-טאָפּ 2.0 קוו פּרובירן

רוף אונז